Week 1
The ads went on far longer than normal, we were in the movies to see the much anticipated Bruno. You really have to have a warped sense of humour to find the movie hillarious, which I guess I do coz I was in stitches in laughter.
He kept going on about playing a 'betting game', I kept asking him what the game was but he said I had to come up with a good prize first and then we would play the game.
I suggested that if he lost he would have to get up at the end of the movie and give a huge hoot and a cheer and vice versa. He said it wasn't really a prize for him. I couldn't think of a good one so he offered that whoever wins gets to shout the other the next movie. I shot back "what makes u so sure there's going to be a next movie?" LOL. It probably sounded bitchier than was intended but this guy had that air of arrogance that you just can't help but bruise their ego hahaha.
He then proceeded to administer these personality tests on me, admittedly I do find them pretty fun as it peaks my curiousity but I think he takes the conclusions literally, and doesn't leave much room for doubt. Anyways, after the movie when he dropped me off home, he kept asking how to get back to the main road. I explained over three times and either he was playing dumb, a real idiot or lacking that spatial ability in men..which begs to question…could he possibly be a hermaphrodite? (I know I know a hermo is someone who has both a male and female reproductive organ, but I don't know that he doesn't do i? hehehe). Or contrary to popular belief, perhaps men aren't really more 'spatially-aware' than women.
Week 2
El dragged me along to accompany her while she 'accompanied' her younger sibling and the rest of her teenybopper friends to go clubbing LOL. Beforehand, I had dinner and drinks with a couple of workmates at Bavarian beer café including an ex workmate who I haven't seen in awhile so it was good to catch up with her again.
As soon as I got to Pav I saw my friend siting down with the younger cast so I dragged her with me to the dance floor and and pretty soon we were surrounded by "men" gyrating & dirty dancing with us.
Later on, whilst I was getting a drink, Myron pointed out how we were surrounded by kids i.e. 18 & 19 yr olds. I did a double take of my surroundings and had to agree with him. We were most likely the oldest people there. Us the early 20's vs the teenagers with the raging hormones who couldn't take no for an answer. The 2nd time we were back on the dancefloor together with Jacquie, we were swarmed and almost swallowed, perhaps even bordering on harrassment. No, not by Men but by Young men in the aforementioned age bracket.
At the beginning we just danced along with them because really there is nothing morally wrong with dancing, regardless if it is with a bunch of horny late teens, quote by El "that's probably the most action they've gotten in their life". LOL. But after awhile blasphemy! Ella whispers to me in the middle of dancing "will we get punished for this, isn't this like totally wrong?" In my alcohol infused mind I answered "yeah probably but whatever, they're just kids let's give them their fun!" and so we did until our adult minds interjected and told us enough is enough. On top of that, we couldn't take the chance of possibly being branded as cougars ewwww *Meow* . We spent the later part of the night running and hiding from the clutches of these teenyrosores -rexes. Oh to be young and carefree again!
Takes me back to the time when I transcended into adulthood...the day I turned 18. I was a novice in the world of clubs, bars, and even alcohol ( I'm talking real alco not alcopops). The time when I first flashed my Learner's ID and felt grown up and really mature. Even at the age of 16, I could hardly wait to turn 18, that I even wrote a note to myself that I specifically opened the day I turned 18. It said something along the lines of
"You are now an adult so you should be more responsible."
I don't think I heeded my advice to myself then. Ironically, I think I was even more mature at the age of 16 than when I became an "adult" at 18. LOL. Now at 23, I'm well over that last rite-of-passage into adulthood..i.e. turning 21. Obviously, I have matured a lot since then as I have learnt from my mistakes and experienced a lot of trials that life has to offer and subsequently learned from that. As I approach my mid 20's or the quarter of the century I know I still have a lot of growing up and learning to do, but I think a part of me will always be a kid at heart =)
"horny late teens" = UNDERSTATEMENT of the century. They did NOT know how to conduct themselves, lol. shameeee~ hahha
ReplyDeleteLOL yeah you're probably right. What do you reckon of "horny perverted malcious bastards?" would that cut it??