Well it all started when we were lining up to get into the “extremely packed” Pumphouse. I was having some serious bladder issues and was in desperate need of a toilet. Ella said she was in the same predicament so I suggested that we quickly go as there were public toilets nearby.
We ran to the female toilets and much to our dismay it was shut! By this time, I was in the midst of flooding right there and then and couldnt hold it in any longer. We noticed that the Men’s toilet was still open so we thought ‘fuk that!’ desperate needs comes desperate measures.
We ran to the female toilets and much to our dismay it was shut! By this time, I was in the midst of flooding right there and then and couldnt hold it in any longer. We noticed that the Men’s toilet was still open so we thought ‘fuk that!’ desperate needs comes desperate measures.
The two of us burst into the mens toilet and u can just imagine the reatction we got! OMG Men’s toilets are 100x worse than womens! I went to the very last cubicle and let the floodgates lose. After awhile I heard the mens noises dying down and the last remaining footsteps departing. When I heard the sound of rolling doors closing... My initial thought was "oh oh". Ella echoed my worst fear “I THINK THE BOYS LOCKED US IN!” but I didn't think they could be that cruel so I replied back with a ”Nah i think they just closed the door a bit!”
When we emerged from the cubicles we spent a couple of mintues in front of the mirrors dolling up first. We then made our way to the exit and wasn’t that surprised to find the shutters down, about 20cm shy from the ground. We didnt (or I didn’t at least), however, expect to find them locked! Ella just burst out laughing then pointed out “See i told u they locked us in!”. Panic and fear engulfed me at the prospect that we might actually have to spend the night in the disgusting foul smelling mens toilet. That’s when I started screaming “Assholes! agggg” and tried in vain lifting up and kicking and punching the shutters to no avail. All the while, Ella continued laughing her head off like a hyena in the background. I looked dejectedly at her and started to cry and kind of laugh at the same time LOL. U could say I was confused about our predicament.
Ella suggested that our only hope was to try and crawl underneath through the little opening. I looked at the little gap and did the calculations in my head ”Yeah we could but I don’t want to get dirty and besides I don’t think we can fit!”Rule of thumb (if your head fits, generally u’d be able to crawl through providing ur body isn’t too ginormous LOL). Well let’s just say I tried shoving my head underneath and we could have seriously squeezed through, albeit with great difficulty, but that would have been the last resort!
Instead I started screaming again ”Help! Help! Help! let us out we’re locked in!” with Ella still laughing like a maniac in the background. Luckily there were holes in the shutters so we could see out.
Instead I started screaming again ”Help! Help! Help! let us out we’re locked in!” with Ella still laughing like a maniac in the background. Luckily there were holes in the shutters so we could see out.
A short while later, our rescuer(s) came. Sadly, it wasn’t in the form of a tall, dark and brooding man. But two blonde girls who thought we were being attacked! THey tried unlocking the shutters but was unscuccessful in getting us out.
Suddenly, a not too tall, dark but not exactly what you would call handsome man appeared out of nowhere and tried getting us out. In the middle of trying to make the lock lose, he looked at us oddly and asked what we were doing locked in the mens toilet in the first place? I answered with much conviction ”there’s a perfectly good explanation as to how we got locked in here!” he didn’t pursue the subject further then with his magic touch ALAS! he set us free!
We were so relieved and happy and so thankful that we ran to our HERO and showered him with hugs and thank yous.
And of course special thanks to the women who initally discovered us!
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